9 Factors That Determine The Value Of Antique Art
A piece of art always evokes certain inquisitiveness. It attracts with its beauty. It has a tale to tell. And at the same time it has certain market value.
If you have an antique piece of art, and you are interested in knowing its value, then click here and get online art valuation.
The value of art depends on various factors. A piece of art can be valuable to you for certain reasons like an emotional story attached to it. But its market value is determined by experts only based on certain key factors.
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The value of the art piece that you want to sell will depend on its condition. Better the condition better will be the price that you will receive for it. If any restoration work has been done, then the value of art will decrease. The restoration quality and degree of restoration will also affect the price. Sometimes if the artist is the renowned one, then even an art piece in bad condition can fetch you a higher price.
A painting of a renowned artist is bound to fetch a better price than that of the one painted by an unknown artist. While appraising art, name of the artist is a crucial factor in determining its value. The value of art also depends on the prolificity of the artist. If he produces more than another artist of similar fame than the value of an art piece of the one who produces less will be more.
The quality of the art work is directly proportion to its value. It is not just the quality of work that is taken in account, it's also the materials used are also taken into consideration.
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Bigger art piece from a renowned artist will have more value than a smaller one made by him. Though it is not that bigger is always better. But it shows more time spent in its making.
Certificate of Authenticity
Certificate of authenticity is essential when selling art. It can be pretty simple in a situation where you can ask the artist but gets complicated when lab tests has to be done on the item. You can't sell Van Gogh without the approval of the Van Gogh Museum. It is similar with other works as well.
Provenance of an art piece is also essential for establishing its value. The piece of which you could trace back to the artist, you can get a better deal. Another thing that can fetch a better price is that if the art work has been owned by a renowned personality before you got it. Try to trace all past sale records it will come in handy while selling the work.
If the art piece is the reproduction of the original, then the edition matters. It is of higher value if the edition is lower.
For certain themes, there is more demand in the market. In such case, an art work will have more value than any other normal theme or subject. Taste of the buyers and the market trend affects the value of an art work.
As much as the theme affects the value, technique too has its impact on the value of an art piece. Original hand painted piece will have more price than the reproduced one.
Art Market
Value of an art piece is also directly proportion to its demand in the art market. If some form of art is trending, then it will be in demand and is of higher value. When the economy booms art market too flourishes. But when the economy declines, the art market too goes down.
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