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A Guide to know your diamond better

Without a doubt, we all know diamonds are women’s best friend. Something she yearns all her life for, no matter she has plenty of it already. As there is no bad in stocking up these beauties (as long as your pocket allows) with the immaculate shine and glare that they deliver.
But, do you think it is really about the shine only? Well, apparently not!! In jewellery valuation, everything of your diamond is taken into consideration. There is a whole lot of cooking behind that shine; there is size, shape, cut, colour, clarity, basically a lot more which needs to be well understood.

So, without any further ado, we take you on a journey of real diamonds that has a lot more to offer for your next diamond shopping. After all, knowledge is never wasted!

1.    The Size:

The size of your diamond and the quality is where it all starts. When you are buying the diamond of your choice, these two can’t go unnoticed. After all, it is paramount to decide the budget. Generally, people hinges with the size as it is quite apparent to find it. Carat is a unit of diamond weight and for finding the diamond size and weight, it works brilliantly.

2.    The shape:

Next comes the shape, of course equally important. Round shaped diamonds are the most popular diamonds available. The incredible brilliance, fire and light performance make these one oh-so-amazing choice among women. With about three-quarter of purchases of round diamonds, the sparkle is quite witnessed everywhere in this shape.

Princess diamonds with an angular shape and contemporary design are another hit among women lately. For vintage inspired settings, there are cushion diamonds. Then there are Marquise, oval, and pear-shaped diamonds which are quite distinctive in shapes, and let fingers look long and slender due to their elongated appearance.

3.    The quality:
In order to know the making of the diamond, one should definitely check for the quality standards that include Cut, Clarity and Colour.

Cut: For a round brilliant diamond, it is the cut which acts as a deciding factor for the immaculate brilliance and sparkle of the diamond. It takes cues from the workmanship of the diamond which needs to be effortlessly amazing else your diamond is bound to look dull and lifeless. There are specific cut grades depending on various jewellery style, e.g. for engagement ring a round diamond with a cut grade of very good, ideal or super ideal fits well.

Colour: While the colour of the diamond depends on individual’s ability to define colour, most people stick to white or colourless diamonds. For engagement rings, the most common colour grade selection is F-H colour.

Clarity: Clarity is important but generally comes as the last characteristic to be determined. Blame it on the least impact it creates on a diamond’s appearance. In a diamond ring valuationclarity standards are also given huge preference in order to offer the all in all precise valuation. Well, every diamond has some internal and external flaws, which are not visible through naked eyes.  A complete flawless diamond  is definitely a priced possession and one needs to pay a good price for the same.

Some final thoughts:

While one may choose from various diamonds available at a jewellery store, it is always best to opt for diamonds that comes with an independent diamond grading certificate. It ensures you to be relieved in terms of what you are paying for. So, whilst choosing diamonds, give preference to your choice but always check on size, shape, weight, cut, colour and clarity.

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