6 Top Antique Investment Trends In 2020s
Fine art and antiques have always garnered interest from the investors and collectors. If you have been investing in antiques then you must be interested in the future trends that the antique market will see. Let us take a look at the top trends in the antique investment market in 2020s.
Antique Will Grow As An Investing Option
In the times of economic uncertainty, interest in antiques as an investment option will see a surge. Investing in stocks and bonds might fetch a decent return but this trend may not continue for long. Uncertain global economy might turn the tables. This may in turn result in more interest in the investment quality antiques. The value of precious metal articles, luxe gemstone jewellery and exotic wood items will grow.
For investors who are interested in antiques, getting antique valuations done is the first and foremost step to be taken. Get in touch with Prestige Valuations for more details.
Middle Class Will Be Active In The Antique Market
In future middle class people will be seen more active in the antique market. Obviously the motive will be secure investment, doing away with the risk of traditional investment options. This means that when now fine art and antiques are considered the investment opportunity for the ultra rich people, in 2020s this trend will change. With average people taking interest, the mid range of the antique market will see more action.
Articles From 1970s & 1980s To Be Deemed Antique
In future the items from 1970s and 1980s will enter within the gamut of antique. Yes, as antique articles are normally 40 to 50 years old. This means that when we will enter 2020s, items from 1970s will fall into the category of antique objects. And the items from 1980s, with the age of 40 years, too will gain antiqueness. The characteristics of both 1970s and 1980s will garner interest from the collectors, be it for sleek designs, geometric designs or lavish materials.
From Antique Store To Online Transaction
In the next 10 years, physical stores in small cities will slowly shut down and there will be surge in the online antique transactions. Various online platforms like Etsy, Ruby Lane, ebay etc will see antique transactions.
17th Century Antiques will be replaced by the 18th Century ones
The antiques of the 17th Century will be replaced by the 18th Century antiques as we'll enter in 2020s.Presently 18th century antiques are easily accessible but slowly they will start becoming less available. So Neoclassical, Rococo and Georgian antiques will become more valuable.
Prices of Gold and Silver Items will Increase
Gold items and silverware like jewellery, coins, watches etc will see a rise in their value as the price of precious metal like gold and silver will increase. Gold and silver have always been safe investment options since ages and will remain to dos o in future as well.
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